So a couple of weeks ago, my dear husband and I got into an argument. Not surprising because everyone argues; it happens. But it was such a simple argument that should have been so little and yet I must have been so riled up that it just struck a major nerve and I was really upset. Despite my over reaction I still think I was in the right. So which side do you take?
Here’s what happened:
It’s 11:00am on a Saturday morning. We are out as a family birthday shopping. We leave the store with our purchases and get into the car. Michael is the driver; Desmond and I are the passengers. We are all buckled in and ready to go. Or are we? Michael is on his phone checking facebook. I sit and look at him from the passenger seat, thinking, anytime now you can pull out? I keep looking, so I get impatient (probably only 20 seconds of looking at him) and say “we gonna go or what?” And he’s like, “give me a minute, I’m on facebook.”This is not the first occasion a damn smart phone and its constant facebook availability has been a nuisance to me. Everywhere we go, he needs a second to check facebook. Usually I’m ok with it. But this time, I’m literally waiting for my day to continue because he has to check facebook. What on Earth at 11:00am is so necessary to see on facebook? Nothing! We have plans for the whole day, so looking for things to do isn’t an excuse. If you really wanted to be on facebook, why not let me drive? So I blew a gasket. I don’t want to talk to him. I want to move and move now, and I want him to admit, he’s being rude. He’s being inconsiderate and he completely refuses to see it as such. He basically states I’m being irrational. Now I realize that my extreme reaction (because I did go into silent mood, it didn’t start out silent), is a little over the top but I still feel upset. He isn’t thinking about me or Desmond and how we don’t want to sit in a parked car as peruses his friend’s statuses. He won’t recognize the fact that I feel upset, that I am feeling something he caused. So I’m even more pissed that he’s blowing me off; Just a giant snowball effect mess.
So am I crazy or do I have a little wiggle room for getting upset?