Now I say tongue tied because I blog about my life. And to much of Michael’s irritation, it’s usually about him and/or us. Well, with a new family living in very small and cramped quarters with me can easily led to many blog topics. But they didn’t choose to marry me. So I kinda feel blocked about the coming and goings about my life; hence the lack of blogs.
Top the tongue tie with my new addiction, where I write reviews of all the books I read, I’ve been getting my writing fix on there. (Seriously if you’re a reader, join it. Love meeting other readers, getting book recommendations and I’ve even won two free books in their giveaways. Go on, join!)
But these are excuses too. There’s plenty in my life that’s happening that I could blog about but I’ve just taken to silence. I apologize. Starting now, I’m gonna set a goal of writing at least one blog every two weeks. I’m setting the bar low because I don’t want to break yet another goal this year. (Seriously, my year end wrap up when I see how many goals I completed the past year is gonna be fugly.)
Here’s a quick look at what I’ve been up too since I stopped blogging:
Went Camping with Friends…
Got Dirty in my first mud run…
Became a flesh eating unicorn for a day…
Got to be a punch happy Mario…
And got fabulous at the Arlington Million…