Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Roar of the Tiger

It’s been a rough two weeks. My husband has had some deadlines at work that has required him to work late…very late! I’m talking catching the last train at 12:30am and making it home and in bed around 2am. I’ve had to miss two weeks of practice. I miss it but I’ve also dug the break and spending more time with my son, plus it’s got me thinking…of how much I do.

Now, I’m not looking for praise. (Really Michael, you can relax.) This is about how much I feel I can take on. I stress. I worry. Yet it doesn’t stop me from getting the job done. For example, the other night in a 3 hour time frame, I grocery shopped, dropped off a calendar to my sister (who lives in the Cary area), started a new load of laundry, folded a dry load of laundry, did the dishes, took out the garbage/recycling, had dinner with Desmond and put him to bed. I don’t know about you but I think that’s a shit load of multi-tasking. Plus I could throw in playtime with Desmond because lord knows my kid can’t leave you alone for one chore, so throughout my night I’m entertaining a two year old. When I reflect back on my night, I feel accomplished. I swear I can hear my inner and outer mother ROARRRR!!!! (Also, insert grunt noise from Home Improvement here.) Its nights like this that I feel really good and I just wanted to focus on that feeling. I’ve written before that focusing on the positive is never done enough now-a-days. So here I am, focusing on my positives. (Your yesterday can’t be all bad, what was your favorite part?)

It baffles me that I used to be addicted to television. How did I ever manage before? I swear when I turned our cable off and handed our dvr over, we had 30 plus programs that we recorded and watched. And when I say we, I mean I because I confess, 90% or more of those programs were mine. And though I still enjoy watching TV when I do, it’s not a focus anymore. No wonder I was down the beginning of last year, where was my ROARING? Nothing roar-able about sitting and watching a dozen or so programs a night. Thank god for derby and having a job loss scare that made me turn the cable off, my life feels more free and satisfying because of it.

But I’m not one to sit around. I really do feel like I have a full plate but it doesn’t stop me from having more ambitions. I have a long reading list that I’m actually putting a dent in. I’m participating in the National Novel Writing Month in November. I plan on doing a 5K in September and most recently I’m thinking about organizing a mob flash. That’s right, a flash mob. (If this comes to fruitation I will definitely let you all know.) Yup, I’m not helping my stress but damn it feels good to ROAR!

1 comment:

  1. You're our super-mama, and we love all that you do!

    ~Michael and Desmond
