Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Diary of a Fat Girl - MyFitnessPal

AHHHHHH…take a whiff of the fresh air that a new year brings. Why is it we wait until the beginning of a new year to find that motivation to lose weight? Ok, not all of us wait. But if you are like me, even when I start a new diet in the middle of the year, I’ll wait till Monday. Like Monday is the new fresh start. Why is that?

Regardless of the psychology behind our decisions, I’ve finally gotten back on the ball. It could have been the start of the New Year or perhaps it was the weight loss competition at work that I entered but either way, it resulted in me making many dietary changes. (I’m just glad I found it somewhere.)

I have successfully started counting my calories on I just LOVE this site. For me, it has just the right amount of motivators to keep me interested. So what are those? First, logging in my calories is easy from my PC or Kindle, so basically anywhere that I go I can log in my food diary. Their database of foods is insane and if for some reason you can’t find a food, you can enter it. It has a recipe function where you can create your own meals and divide it into countable portions. You can save anything you eat under specific meal names making it very fast to track food you eat often. Now, to the part that really tickles my pickle. At the end of each day when I hit “Submit your food entry for the day” it’ll give me a message like “At this pace you’ll be 209 in 5 weeks.” It shows me a number that I want in amount of time that seems so near. It’s a daily motivator to keep it up. Now, for the really geeky part of me….it has graphs. There’s nothing I like more than seeing a little line graph chart showing my weight loss plummeting down or a bar graph showing the ups and downs of my calorie intakes. I’m not kidding. I love charts of all shapes and sizes. Weird? The last thing I love; after entering my weight and goals it tells me what my caloric intake should be to reach those goals. So, incase your curious, I put in that I’d like to lose 2 lbs per week and at my current weight it estimated 1380 calories per day. So that’s what I’m doing. Time will tell how accurate this thing will be.

So a mini wrap up of my first week counting calories on myfitnesspal…I lost 6.4 pounds! That’s huge! I think my best weight watchers week was 5.9 the first week. I don’t expect to see this kind of drop each week, but it sure doesn’t hurt to see it. And if any of you are on myfitnesspal, friend me, I’m under havenroo. I’d love to see your food diary and get meal ideas for the future. And with the positive attitude I’ve got going now and the desire I have to find new and interesting foods, I expect their to be some recipe blogs to come.

Happy Eating!

P.S. As a couponer I forgot another big part…myfitnesspal is $ Free.99!


  1. Hey Michelle, What is your myfitnesspal login name?

    Heather (who you don't know but I read your blog. hahahaha!)

    1. Havenroo is my name. It'll be a the symbol from Hunger Games as my picture. (just so you know it's me) I'll be glad to friend you Heather. (And on a side did you find my blog?)

  2. Hi Michelle. I think you mentioned your blog in one of your videos that you were doing with Veronica on YT. I used to do videos long ago. After reading your post I signed into MFP. You have inpired me to log my food! Yay you!! PS My fav video was the oldie but goodie Daft Punk one of you guys in a store. Hilarious!

    1. Ahahahahaha...I forget those videos are still on there. I miss doing video blogs with V. She's doing ww now and doing really good. It would be a good time to start back up.

  3. I've tried to count my calories and exercises on Body By Glamour. The food log section was terribly difficult to use with a very limited selection, and there was no real plan that tied into it. Needless to say, I gave up on it pretty quickly. Since then, I've just been watching what I eat and trying to work it with some variety, but doing things on a lazy blah day with my schedule is super tough.
    I will definitely check out MyFitnessPal soon...
    THUMBS UP MICHELLE FOR BEING AWESOME!!! (I find that motivation helps...)

    1. Thank you! If you get on myfitnesspal, make sure to friend me.
