Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My First PMS Bout (I think)

It’s not often I write a downer blog but this one is. So run scarred now. You’ll find no humor here. I literally just want to publically complain for the next hundred words or so. (Praying it gives me relief or at the least give you fair warning why I’ve been a complete bitch lately.)

My attitude as of late…ANNOYED! Everything and everyone is annoying me this week. I want to violently hit something. I want to be sarcastic. I want to scream. I’ve never suffered from PMS. Never. I’m serious. And thank god, because I imagine that’s how women feel on a monthly basis. I wouldn’t be able to take this feeling all the time. (Just look up more info on PMS, that’s definitely what I’m going through right now. Did you know that PMS is more often in women between the ages 20 -40 and have at least one child? I totally meet those requirements.)

My poor husband asked me why I’m so fiesty and I have no real reason why. (I guess I should say, it’s hormonal but that feels like an easy out.) I just know that a certain someone’s crunchy chip bag eating has me on edge. “YES you got all the yogurt out of your container; NOW stop scrapping the bottom for more!” I don’t want to hear you talk to yourself. I don’t want that chain email. I can’t control my eye roll and body tension when something I say is crystal clear to me and not to you. How dare you ask me questions!?! I want to forget my manners and be rude. I want to be mean. But because I was raised better, I feel like I just keep absorbing the annoyances and they just keep building up.

So, I vow to go home. Take care of Desmond (who is the only one not feeling my wrath) and then I think I need to kick my own ass or something. Perhaps my honey could channel Cher and slap me across the face shouting “Snap out of it!” Whatever it is, it needs to go. And it’s starting now. Perhaps if I make myself smile more, I’ll internalize the look on my face. All I know is, I’m desperate to shake this and I’m thankful I’m not normally an overly annoyed person. And if none of this works, I can’t wait till my period comes and relieves these symptoms. Then I’ll pray that this isn’t a new trend to my monthly cycles.

Today, yesterday and the day before would have been days I ate myself “happy”. But I’m still going strong on counting calories, at least I haven’t rec’d that for myself. (There’s a positive; I must focus on that.)

End rant.

(How do you relieve stress? I can’t promise your answers won’t annoy me even though I asked. I’m in that weird of a mood.)


  1. Ha ha ha. That's the WORST--to feel so irritable and annoyed for NO.GOOD.REASON! I feel ya girlie. Been there.

    p.s I cant believe its YOU writing this post. You're always so chipper and happy. I guess that means you're human. Hope it passes soon (for your sake, as well as others. Ha ha)

  2. I am in the same bout as you everything was getting to my last nerve I vented and felt a bit better. Hopefully you will too. Wish I had better advice girl
