Friday, September 3, 2010

Love Letter to My Husband

(Then 1998 & Now 2010)


It all started with a simple question, “What happened?” I am so very thankful that you hurt your knee 12 years ago. I realize you might have wanted to avoid tearing your muscle and you might have wanted to skip out of knee surgery, but seeing you hobble around on your crutches at bowling gave me the courage to approach my crush and ask “What happened?”

During the many years we were dating, I was anxious to marry you. I remember very clearly around year 7 when I would get upset after every time we went out because I was certain each time the proposal was coming. I remember my friends saying I should give you an ultimatum; I considered it. But would I really want to force you? Would I really leave you because you didn’t propose? Nope. Because even back then, I knew what a catch I had on my hands. I couldn’t willingly give up the one person that gives me comfort on a daily basis, that makes me feel beautiful and loves me for me. I realized that the ring wasn’t as important as you. (For those who might be curious he proposed just shy of our 9 year anniversary.)

Two years ago we got married and that day is the second happiest moment of my life. (First is welcoming Desmond to this world with you.) This past year has really showed me how much you love me. Being a new mom isn’t easy and I know I haven’t been the easiest person to be around now that my stress level and anxiety is triggered with just the smallest agitation. You are the ice that cools my fire.

I can’t imagine finding another man that will willingly dance with me at every wedding, looking like we are suffering from seizures. A man who attempts lyrical dancing during the opening song of Battlestar Galactica, a man who would still love and kiss me if I had no lips, a man who trims my snaggle toes, a man who makes all phone calls because I won’t and a man who makes me feel safe and gives me and Desmond all the loving we need and more.

And I just want to say that after 12 years I’m still madly in lesbians with you.

You’re the peach to my cream,

Mrs. Michelle Pack


  1. BEAUTIFUL!!! Here's to many more years of happiness together!

  2. Oh..... what a wonderful love letter.
    Happy Anniversary
    Peaches and Cream!

  3. you two are very sweet

  4. Oh Michelle, I love you and Mike together. You could not have found a better match. I loved this letter.

  5. Wow, Michelle that was beautiful, and you my dear are a very gifted writer. I wish you many more years of happiness together.
