Friday, October 15, 2010

Saying Goodbye to a Long-Term Relationship

The time has come to part ways. I have let you become too important in my life. You have made me lazy and have taken up too much of my time. It’s time to say signora to cable! That’s right, me the self proclaimed TV Queen is giving up cable. Now, to be fair this isn’t all my decision. I didn’t wake up and come to the realization that I need to give up cable. My husband and I are feeling more and more pressure about our everyday bills. If either of us were to lose our jobs, we’d be so SCREWED! So in effort to take charge of our debt, we are tightening our belts and getting rid of what is not absolutely needed and that means goodbye cable. You will be missed. (And looks like the smart phones are going too. It was fun while it lasted.)

Now, this is big. Why is it big? I seriously feel like I am involved with cable. When we first got our DVR I felt the freedom to be able to watch any show on any channel at anytime. I went from watching maybe five shows per week to over 20. Plus my husband is a bit of a workaholic so this has given me company while he’s at work and Desmond is in bed. I’m also a sucker for everything. I want Mundo to win Project Runway, Damon to get the girl, Blair and Chuck to reconcile, New Directions to win state, etc. etc. I like crying and laughing while watching tv. I can’t help but imagine myself in the characters shoes; They cry, I cry. It kinda felt like each show gave me a new life experience so to speak. Sad but true.

I do realize I won’t miss every show that I watch. Having a DVR gave me the opportunity to keep watching shows that are really bad but since I have the time, I kept watching. (The Secret Life of American Teenager this comment is aimed at you.) The departure of cable in my home will mean more reading time. I will definitely have time now to fit in The Deathly Hallows before the next movie and I’ll even get to start The Game of Thrones that is sitting on my kitchen table. This also means I’ll make better use of my Netflix subscription. We have lowered our package to the lowest one possible but still get unlimited online viewing. Lately we have been sitting on several movies for months. Now without cable, we’ll watch and return our movies much quicker and with the online option we’ll still get to watch shows; it’ll just be a season or two behind. I can deal with that.

But as a special thank you for giving me joy when I was bored, I’d like to say goodbye to the following tv shows: True Blood, Boardwalk Empire, Desperate Housewives, Brothers & Sisters, Saturday Night Live, Friday Night Lights, Glee, Gossip Girl, America’s Next Top Model, Project Runway, Vampire Diaries, Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice, American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, Secret Life of an American Teenager, Sesame Street, Tosh.0, The Soup, Oprah, Cougar Town, Last Comic Standing and Hell’s Kitchen. (I’m sure I missed a few, please forgive me.)

What keeps you entertained at home?


  1. well, i dont know if you thought about this or care, but you dont have to give up more than half of those long as you have internet access you can watch anything online via or the network websites. just a thought if you really dont want to give some of those up. alot of people now days dont pay for cable, i know you can buy this wire/cord/cable that connects from your computer to your tv and you can basically watch all you fav shows for free. and you can always come over to house, added bonus is ive got Dexter too. anywho the glee photoshop is funny!

  2. I agree with Veronica. But I have to say, you got me thinking...most of the shows I watch are on free networks. I'm going to consider giving up cable myself. I'm curious to see how Marco will go on with out the NFL Network. Hummmm! I also LOVE the Glee poster!

  3. wow. Atta girl. Talk about will power. I'm proud of you. I have never seen Glee and so when I saw yur poster I thought "hey that last bottom pic kinda looks like michelle...hey wait, they all do! doh!" ha ha. Very cute.
