Friday, May 20, 2011

The Everlasting Waistline Battle

I’ve noticed lately that I’ve been avoiding the scale. The weight loss competition is over at my job and I’ve used that as an excuse not to step on the scale. (And to those who might be asking “did you win?” Nope, not even close this time.) I’ve also let my grocery shopping slip through my fingers. I was going every weekend, stocking up for that week while I was in the competition but for the past two months or so, I have been going every two weeks. Which means, I run out of food before the next time I go and what happens then? Well, I pick up convenient fast food. And fast food to me can be like crack. I can always have room for one more french fry.

So, I forced myself on the scale two weeks ago and I’m up a few pounds. Not my ideal situation. And I’m 100% certain it’s do to skipping grocery shopping every week. So to remedy this temporary brain fart to my healthy life routine, here is what I’m going to change:

#1 – Every Sunday, without fail, I will go to the grocery store. Since I live close enough to a 24 hours Woodman’s, there’s really no excuse not to shop. When I feel tired and too lazy to get off the couch on Sunday I will remind myself that not only am I not burning calories as I sit around but I am guaranteeing myself that I will consume many more calories later in the week. Therefore, it is impetrative that either my husband or I will shop every Sunday.

#2 – No fast food drive-thru’s. Nope none! Now, read what I really wrote. No drive thru’s, not no fast food. Sometimes life has you on the run and it just makes life easier to stop. This will do two things for me; first I will rethink if I really need this supposed fast food because if you have any little kids they are not amused about going in and out of the car. It really is only convenient for me if I truly need to stop. Secondly, it will save me money. Every time I avoid going to get fast food and decide to prepare myself a hodge-podge meal from whatever I have at home will save me money, bonus! Plus, I’m sure whatever crap I can put together at home is a little healthier than what I would have picked up. And to anyone who’s ever been on a diet before and have restricted yourself, what is the first thing you want when you say you can’t have it. You want it bad! You want it now! So far, this mentality that I can have fast food, just not drive thru is fooling my brain that I’m not saying no, I’m just saying “walk your fast ass into the restaurant!”

What little tricks do you have about food to keep a slimmer waist?


  1. It's hard, either way... I just tell myself "NO" outloud and as crazy as it sounds, that works.

  2. have you tried Hungry Girl, she has lots of redo recipes that are your fave high fat high calorie things made better

  3. Love hungry girl...not sure why I forget to look there. But I have used recipes before.
