Friday, August 19, 2011

Love Rekindled

I’m currently in the mist of a passionate love affair with my local library. I’m not kidding. My reading habits have had the ebb and flow of young love. Stronger here and weaker there but currently it’s at an all time high; I just can’t get enough of reading. My least favorite part about this rekindled love is not having someone to share it with. (You crazy non-readers!)

To express how serious this has become, I can tell you that I visit my library’s website on a daily basis, usually more than once per day. I’m consistently on there looking for new books via the recent activity or bestseller sections. I love their website where I can create three different lists of books; For Later, In Progress and Completed. Moving my books from “for later” to “currently in progress” to “completed” tickles my pickle more than I think is normal.

When I get my Entertainment Weekly, it takes all my patience not to flip to the back of the magazine to get to the books section first. I have found so many good suggestions from that magazine. But I with hold and honestly say I save the best part of that magazine for last. (It’s a struggle, my hand is possessed and my mind is just barely controlling the hand’s effort to turn the page.)

My biggest thrill right now, school is back! Ok, why is that exciting? Because it means the library is open on Sundays again after Labor Day! Woot woot! Yup, that’s how excited I am. I actually know the hours of the library by heart. And what’s sadder, sometimes I double check before I go because I want to make sure I’m not mistaken and get there and feel disappointed. That’s winning!

I’ve even looked into their fiction book club and hope to start the next book for next month. I’ve always talked about doing a book club but never do. Well, now is the time to do it. If I can’t find the motivation to read a book I’ve never heard of before now, then it’s not likely to happen. So that’s my new goal; go to the September book club meeting. If I find that I don’t like the books they pick, well, maybe I will just have to start my own.

So, let me end it on a suggestion…the last book I completed and adored was The Last Letter from your Lover by Jojo Moyes. It has a very Madmen feel to it and it’s just a really good love story. Further synopsis is below.

Happy Reading!

The Last Letter from your Lover - It is 1960. When Jennifer Stirling wakes up in the hospital, she can remember nothing-not the tragic car accident that put her there, not her husband, not even who she is. She feels like a stranger in her own life until she stumbles upon an impassioned letter, signed simply “B”, asking her to leave her husband.

Years later, in 2003, a journalist named Ellie discovers the same enigmatic letter in a forgotten file in her newspaper’s archives. She becomes obsessed by the story and hopeful that it can resurrect her faltering career. Perhaps if these lovers had a happy ending she will find one to her own complicated love life, too. Ellie’s search will rewrite history and help her see the truth about her own modern romance.


  1. One of many things I love about you, honey, is your passion for reading, and I sincerely hope that Desmond gets it as well.

    And though I don't read books, I'm always more-than-happy to talk about what you've read... I love heriing your synopsis and thoughts.

  2. I put that one on my list. I am almost done with something borrowed. Since I am engaged I got tossed in the wedding love mist! Plus I wanted to read it before I saw the movie. It is pretty good.
