Thursday, December 1, 2011

Cat Business

(Munky & Bo)

So funny and not so funny story…I have been having troubles with one of my cats. My dear Munkey is using a non-litter box approved spot in my house to relieve himself. It is very frustrating. I believe the trouble started when we had my parents stay over with their dogs. The situation had stressed him out and he felt the need to mark his territory. The problem is, and all cat owners know this, that once it starts it’s hard to stop. Not only is my hair brained cat still a crazed cat from the visit, but nothing we do seems good enough to remove all odor. We have shampooed the carpet more times than I can count.

Some might suggest just getting rid of the cat. But I am attached and so is Desmond. Out of my two cats, Munkey is the one that lets Desmond squish him with hugs. He’s just a good cat for Desmond. (Though my sister-n-law may not agree since he hisses at her but he remembers the things you’ve done to him Jenny.) So I’d like the cat to stay. So, first idea…who has cats and has a remedy they’d like to suggest?

If a working remedy can’t be found then secondly, who knows where to find the best pricing on hardwood floors? I’m so serious about ripping up all my carpet and forcing my husband how to learn to install new floors. If I can’t stop the temptation, then I can remove the temptation from the cat. And it has to happen sooner than later. (Tax season never seemed so far away.)

Because this is where the not so funny but funny story comes in…Munkey not only sprayed the other day, he took a deuce. And guess who found el numero dos? Not me. Desmond did. And how did I know that? Because he walked up to me with a turd in each hand! I was livid. Luckily for me, when I shouted at Des to drop what was in his hands, he listened. The crap was stiff enough that it wasn’t smeared on his hands. (But Gross, don’t touch me kid.)

So my hand is forced. I have to fix this problem or kick out the cat. I can only be thankful that my kid is beyond the stage where everything goes into his mouth. Can you imagine that? Sick! So any cat owners out there reading, what say you?

Flashback of Little Des and the cats...awwww!


  1. Call me there is this pheramon (spelling?) thing ou can buy and collars and peppermint oil and all sorts of fixes! You do not have to get rid of the KITTY!
    You also have a lot to choose from with the floor. I will mesage you my number

  2. when my cat Coke was having a similar problem we got a second box and put it in the spot she was using. (luckily it was in the basement and it didn't matter) then we slowly started moving it until it was next to the original, haven't had a problem since.
