Friday, January 6, 2012

2012 - The Year for Getting Things Done

(Cheers to 2012!)

So, it’s a bit past that time of year where I state my New Year’s Resolutions but better a few days late than never, right? The delay of this post was basically because I was a lazy schmuck. I would have ideas for resolutions, think they were awesome but didn’t right them down and when it came time to do it, I wouldn’t remember anything. But now I’ve finally come up with a respectable list. So here is what I plan on getting done this year:

#1 Blog – I really do like blogging. I don’t always get comments, so I’m not even sure how many people actually read it. So, that makes the times that friends or family approach me to talk about it really mean something special to me; I want to expand on that. I want to double my followers this year. I’m at 26, so by December 31st that number needs to at 52 or higher. I’m not a beggar or a pusher, so this will definitely make me think out the box on how to get this done. (And maybe your resolution is to make someone’s day...hint hint…here’s one way, just saying.)

#2 Credit – Oh brother, this could be a doozy but it’s not. Simply, I want to reduce my credit by 10% or more. I have collected all the balances and have a grand total of debt. So it will be easy to calculate how big or small of a dent I make this year. And I will report my percent…as to the amount…I’ll never tell. (It’s a bit shameful but it won’t show up on Shell’s Shameful Secrets Part 3, sorry.)

#3 Family – I have a fantastic family. And yet, our family gatherings are spaced way too far apart. I understand that our jobs and our actual physical distance make it hard to see one another. SO, my resolution is to hang out at least once a month with family. (Talking Sweitzer side here.) Des has some awesome cousins but we hardly see them. Why? No reason. I’m gonna make it a habit to schedule it in. I have a sister who invites me to watch Dexter and make dinner but it’s always “we’ll do that soon.” Why haven’t I found a sitter for Des and gone already? No more excuses. I will make time and I will document it with pictures. (Another thing I’m horrible at lately, I hate taking photos)

#4 Wedding Video – This one is three fold. My friend Nicole got married late July this past year. I recorded her wedding for her and she has politely asked each month if her video is ready. Well, five months later it’s still on my camcorder. First it was laziness, but once I plugged it in and started working on it, I found that format is not compatible with my computer. I can’t burn it. I can’t really do anything with it. So my goal, get what I need to get this done. This will also help with the fact that I have two years of stuff on that camcorder of Desmond…that’s just sitting there useless on the camcorder. I’d like to put whatever I have onto a disc and label it with the approximate years. That way, there’s some order giving me or a much older Desmond the chance to look back at his younger years. And lastly, I like making silly videos. I’m hoping to resurrect having a YouTube channel. I have all these thoughts floating in my head and I’d like to see what I could do with them.

#5 Books – Last year I read 29 books. (That I could remember, probably more.) But only two of these were non-fiction. My goal is to double that amount. 4 books this year will be non-fiction. This should be easy enough and I figure, I’ll be worldlier for it.

#6 Soul Pancake Challenge – If you were to go to my February 2011 blog archives you’d see that I wrote a blog entitle “Soul Pancake Challenge.” (Go ahead, go find it, it’s got some fun stuff.) All the challenges were super easy. But I failed to complete any of them. My goal for 2012 is to get these challenges completed. To put the pressure on…I will complete the first one before the end of this month. (That should get the ball rolling.)

#7 Yard Work – My goal is to get ZERO public notices from the City of Carpentersville about my lawn. Yes, I’m serious; my lawn is that bad sometimes. Here’s a little picture of what my hidden backyard looks like. (If it looks this bad, the front is just marginally better.)

#8 Bedroom – I have lived in a white walled home for 2.5 years. It looks like a rental because it has zero personal items added. (I lie, we started on our living room but it still doesn’t feel warm.) My goal is to complete my bedroom. Paint, furniture, decorations…you know the works! I will post before and after pics. Goodbye living like a college student, hello living like an adult!

That’s it folks. That’s what I really want to do this year. And did you notice nothing about weight? Though I know it will be on my mind throughout the year, I wanted a reprieve from the standard New Years Resolution. So I’m just going to enjoy being me and the fact I’ve got a lot of other things to get done.

Happy Belated New Years! What’s on your resolution list?


  1. Hello Michelle. Faithful reader de-lurking here. I love your blog but never comment. I know that sucks for the blogger but here is my excuse... I read blogs on my crappy phone in between stuff when I have time. The crappy phone does not let me comment sooo.... Sorry for all the take take take and no give! :) Keep on writing! You are funny! I appreciated your list of books you have read and bookmarked it for when I am trying to find something to read. Take care!!! Heather

  2. Well Hello Heather!!! :) I'm glad to meet a reader. (and you totally made my day)

  3. You know I absolutely adore what you write and you have inspired me to really go for it and write. Maybe this year we can help each other get readers. It is a total high to get comments so I really try to make sure I say something about everything you write! Good luck with the yard I have that problem and I only have a town home. With the reading I really think we need to start an Internet book club. We read a lot of the same things and we could make this work! You will do great this year you are a real inspiration!!

  4. Not much on comments sweetpea but I always read. Love u

  5. I just became a follower!! Sorry I didn't think to do that before. I'm glad I can help make you a little closer to resolution #1 :D

  6. Oh dang! Im usually the FIRST to hop on the "follower" bandwagon so I could have SWORN I already did. Sorry about that. I know I have about 50 readers that I can think of yet only like 9 followers so I getcha ;)
