Monday, June 14, 2010

A Word to the Unwise

This weekend I was a little stressed out. My son is turning one and on Friday morning I find out the photographers scheduled his photo shoot for Saturday morning when I had a confirmation they were a month later. Though it doesn’t seem like a big deal, I had big plans for nice outfits for me, my husband and child. So I took a half day off work to find said items in one night of shopping. I was really proud of myself and how much I got done before Saturday mornings photo shoot.

As I got ready Saturday, I’m wearing my new outfit. I’ve put on my new make-up and I’m feeling great about how I’m looking. So as my husband is driving us to our appointment I notice he keeps looking at me. I think it’s because of my make-up; it’s a little different than what I normally wear but it’s a subtle change. I begin to doubt my new confidence I have from the outfit and make-up. So I’m looking for a quick pick me up. I ask…”How do I look honey?”

Granted, what my husband responded with wasn’t bad, but a word to the unwise…when your wife asks “How do I look honey” please don’t say “Fine.” Fine feels like it’s just above acceptable. Fine feels like “it’ll do.” Fine feels indifferent. If a woman is asking how she looks she is NEVER waiting to hear the word “fine.” I can guarantee it. Now if that woman is insecure about her weight, on her way to a photo shoot capturing said weight and you’re driving in the car to that appointment so there’s no chance of changing what she’s wearing, it very safe to say “fine” is not going to work. And it’s also safe to assume she’s going to be a little snappy.

I know, I know…I’m being a little sensitive and crazy. I’ll be the first to admit it but if this small warning can help any couple from having a stressful car conversation on what “fine” does and does not imply, then I have succeeded. So gentlemen, never say your lady friend looks fine, it just doesn’t cut it. Imagine how different this would have felt if he had said “Great.” That one little word changes the tone completely. Makes for a happy wife and pleasant car ride.

Good luck Gentlemen…us woman are complex creatures.


  1. lol! most of the time wilbe will tell me whether i look good and he loves it or that he thinks i look bad. but this is before im out the door, so i can imagine being in a snappy mood when your on your way to your first family portrait and he says you look "fine". men, they just dont get it.

  2. So if I say the blog sounds fine I'm in trouble?

    Actually, the blog sounds GREAT, and hopefully men will "FINE"ally get it.

  3. You hit the nail on the head... :)

  4. Man... the one time I mess up and it's all over a blog, yikes!
